This recipe is a “healthier” alternative to a regular Jollof Rice recipe. “Healthy” here is used loosely because the only difference is brown rice, which just adds a lot…
These 10+ African-inspired vegan recipes will be a perfect addition to your holiday plate. All of these recipes are incredibly flavourful and draw from the unique flavours and spices…
If you haven’t already noticed, Ghanaians love rice. It in our blood, it is the first thing our parents tell us that we own whenever we want to eat…
Before there was KFC and Burger King in Ghana, there was Papaye and On the Run. These restaurants were popular and serving up a Ghanaian classic: fried rice. Fried…
This is a perfect merge between summer and winter. As corn season is winding down, and the occasional chilly days occurring frequently, a simple chilli is perfect for this…
Step by step recipe to make the perfect vegan jollof rice that is easy, delicious and flavourful without the meat.…
This blog is an accompaniment to this week’s YouTube video (scroll down for video) on a week of vegan lunches. This is going to be a lengthy post but…
Something a lot of people do not know is that I spent four years in Tanzania. Living on the Swahili coast introduced me to a lot of new cultures…
I remember the first time I tried Shepherd’s Pie was on a British Airways flight to Tanzania. I remember it tasting like plane food, and it did not really stand…