Where can I find a list of important Ingredients?
Please check out my blog posts all on Important Ghanaian Spices (click here) and my post on an introduction to Ghanaian cuisine (click here)
Where can I purchase West African Ingredients?
This is probably my most asked question. I do not provide this information because I do not live in the location you live in. I get this question from people living in England, the United States and Australia, meanwhile, I live in Canada. Please google the location close to you. I live in Greater Toronto Area and the list alone is too long to write. North York alone can have areas with 5 stores across from each other. Google provides a list of locations and addresses (click here). I personally think it is better to visit in person than purchase online but If you want online options in Canada, you can check out My Chop Chop.
There are a few spice companies that carry some West African spices, my two favourites are Poksspices and Ekaterra. Burlap and Burrel also offer some indigenous African spices like fermented locust beans and Grains of Paradise.
Where can I find Information on important spices?
Please check out my blog posts all on Important Ghanaian Spices (click here) and my post on an introduction to Ghanaian cuisine (click here). You can also check out my Spice Blend blog post for more details (click here)
Where can I purchase sustainable red palm oil?
In this context, I am referring to red palm oil that is used for West African cooking not what is used for processed foods or cosmetics. For more details, please read my palm oil post. (click here) Please purchase West African red palm oil at West African grocery stores. I believe Nutiva also sells some from Ecuador.
Where can I learn about regional recipes in Ghana?
I have a very detailed blog post about Ghanaian cuisine that can tell you more about this. Please click here
I also have a blog post talking about how plant-based friendly West African cuisine is, you can check it out for more information on the region as a whole (click here)
Where can I find step by step guide on your recipes?
I have detailed recipe videos on my youtube channel. You can subscribe here (click link)
Where can I find information on all the swallows you eat in Ghana ?
My detailed blog post about Ghanaian food gives a comprehensive breakdown of Ghanaian swallows (click here). I will be creating a more comprehensive list for West Africa in the future.
I would like a list of beginner-friendly recipes

Beginner is a word I use lightly because of different people’s comfort levels. Please be mindful that beginner recipes are not the same as quick recipes. Here is a list that might be helpful.
Tomato Stew: The recipe is in my ebook
Vegan Yassa Tofu: Recipe inspired by Senegalese Yassa Poulet
Kelewele: Spicy Plantain Bites
Do you have a step-by-step recipe for Jollof Rice?
Yes, please check out my recipe for Jollof Rice (click here)
How to Cook Yam - The Canadian African
August 26, 2022 at 7:46 pm[…] your best option is African stores. For more details on West African stores, check out my FAQ (click here). Choosing a good yam can be tricky. Most African stores that import yams from Ghana usually sell […]
How to Make Banku at Home - The Canadian African
December 1, 2022 at 4:03 am[…] Corn Meal, specifically WHITE CORN MEAL! Please do not use corn flour like Masa Harina. Masa Harina has been treated with lye/ nixtamalized which you cannot ferment. Most Ghanaians abroad use Indian Head white CORN MEAL. You can also purchase cornmeal from African stores. For more details on African stores, please check my FAQ (click here) […]
Vegetarian Ademe Detsi - The Canadian African
December 1, 2022 at 4:07 am[…] Where can I purchase these ingredients? For more details, please check my FAQ section. […]
Vegan Ghanaian Okra Stew - The Canadian African
December 13, 2022 at 3:36 am[…] Dawa Dawa: This adds a nice umami flavour. Highly recommended but not essential. If you live in Canada and want to purchase please follow this link (click here) […]