Chickpea Caesar Salad

This salad came out of combining bits and pieces together but the recipe absolutely works. This is a light and super easy salad to make compared to regular caesar salad that is drowned in oil and has fried chicken on top. Instead, swapping the lettuce for kale adds more micronutrients and chickpeas add crunch, flavour and of course protein. Everything is topped with a super easy and creamy cashew dressing that makes this salad next level good.

For this recipe you will need

By Afia Serves: 2


  • 1 cup roasted Chickpeas (same recipe as the one in the Roasted Veggies and Chickpea Buddha Bowl)
  • creamy cashew dressing (use as much as you want)
  • 1/3 cup black olives sliced in half
  • 3 cups kale (baby kale or curly kale work best) chopped
  • 1 cup spinach chopped finely



Shred the raw kale to make it more palatable to eat. You could also just massage the kale with your hands for a bit to break it down.


Combine all the ingredients into a bowl and massage with the dressing very well.


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